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2106 (09-06-2020), angel_of_dead (09-06-2020), darkghost (10-04-2020), davidseanghia (09-07-2020), DJNZ (09-06-2020), huntersun (10-09-2020), kentlonely (09-07-2020), Kil'jaeden God (09-10-2020), Linh Trần (09-06-2020), minhlunso1 (10-10-2020), ohcandy (10-25-2020), skydoc (09-06-2020), TheTower (09-06-2020), trong_huy (09-06-2020), trwng_tamphong (09-17-2020), vanhoa91 (09-06-2020), Vinh_Nguyen (09-06-2020), Zingibera (09-06-2020)
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angel_of_dead (11-07-2020), darkghost (11-18-2020), davidseanghia (11-01-2020), DJNZ (11-01-2020), hoangviet183 (11-05-2020), huntersun (11-02-2020), Linh Trần (10-31-2020), ohcandy (11-06-2020), SerieA (11-01-2020), thekop182 (11-02-2020), trong_huy (11-02-2020), trwng_tamphong (11-11-2020), vanhoa91 (11-02-2020)
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trwng_tamphong (02-20-2021)
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