Thập niên 50s

Điện ảnh Mỹ: Sunset Boulevard, In a Lonely Place, The Asphalt Jungle, All About Eve, Ace in the Hole, A Streetcar Named Desire, Rear Window, Johnny Guitar, Night of the Hunter, 12 Angry Men, Touch of Evil, Vertigo, The Searchers, Rio Bravo,...
Điện ảnh thế giới: Rashomon, Orpheus, Stromboli, Diary of a Country Priest, Early Summer, Ikiru, Umberto D, Los Olvidados, Forbidden Games, Tokyo Story, Wages of Fear, The Earrings of Madame de…, Ugetsu, Sansho the Bailiff, Seven Samurai, Ordet, A Man Escaped, Street of Shame, Wild Strawberries, Nights of Cabiria, The Seventh Seal, Kanal, The Cranes Are Flying, Pather Panchali, The Music Room, The Hidden Fortress, Le Notte Bianchi, Aparajito, The 400 Blows, Pickpocket, Black Orpheus, Shadows, ...
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